About Our Founder

About our team
Our coaches come from a variety of backgrounds and industries, including but not limited to healthcare, education, fitness, entrepreneurship, banking, business, accounting, strategic planning, information technology, event planning, construction (electrical, plumbing, carpentry, painting, flooring, heating, and cooling) and are well positioned to coach in their zone of expertise. Everyone has at least 25 years of work experience, formal education and/training but are able provide down to earth, practical support using frameworks that lead to clarity, motivation, and growth.
Connect With Us
To learn more about our company and coaching services for healthcare workers, get in touch with us today. Our representatives are always available to answer any of your questions.
Dr. Lisa L Campbell, PhD works with individuals and organizations that need support in facilitating sustainable growth. Her methods empower others to thrive by removing mental barriers and fear that prevent them from making progress in life. As a wife, mother, and grandmother she has had to preserve in good and bad times, but her growth mindset is infectious, and she believes that simplicity is the best strategy!
Formal Education
Doctorate in Healthcare Administration (PhD)
Masters in Healthcare Administration (MHA)
Masters in Project Management (MPM)